Server Summary


The Server Summary Report is used in restaurants with table service. This report allows you to view the money transactions and control the effectiveness of a particular server during the day.


  1. Server Name
  2. Round 1 (Round 1 is when the server has worked 1 shift only; Round 2 is intended when the server has been cashed out and reassigned as a server for the second time in the same day).
  3. Order Number 
  4. Tickets (Number of tickets).
  5. Guests (Number of guests).
  6. Amount ($ Amount of the order served).
  7. Coupon ($ Amount of the coupon included in the server’s orders).
  8. Start (Time that the order was opened).
  9. Closed (Time that the order was closed).
  10. Tips (Tips the server reported).
  11. Starting Cash (Start bank when assigning the server).